What do you desire in your Relationship?
I bet I know..
- Respect
- Communication
- Emotional openness
- Safety
- Laughter
- A good listener
- Loyalty
- Fidelity
- Maturity
- Time
- Sensitivity
- To feel loved
- Appreciated
- Honesty
- Support
- A bit of Obsession
- Commitment
- Sexually there Partner
- Equality
- Intimacy
I told you I knew.
I am offering a ritual that can get all of these or some of these … a Russian Roulette of Ritual working … in this work I will be working with
- Lucifer,
- Asmodeus
- Paimon,
- Dantallion,
- Ahriman,
- Lilith,
- Naamah,
- Thoth,
- Leviathan,
- Azazel,
- Cimeries,
- Baharat (djinn),
- He whom shall not be named, and all these can be worked with at once or they can choose to work with u or not.
The part about this ritual which is like the game Russia Roulette is that any of the above can manifest .. all or parts .. and any entity may work with you from my list .. all or only some…
The ritual has a reading before on which entity/entities wish to work with you and then I leave it to them to decide what areas … which almost promises that you will see results in some way listed above.. or all ways.
The reason this ritual exists is to ensure results where others failed by allowing the spirits themselves to decide what you need the most … instead of your human mind and heart deciding what’s best but not knowing what is truly best for the relationship…
By trusting the spirits & entities with making the right decisions and giving them what they thirst for most “your undeniable faith and trust”- you allow free manifestation of will and that shit is powerful as fuxk.
This is up for a while … it’s a ritual usually reserved for coven members .. so I do not know how long I’ll offer this to the public .