This Ritual is BLACK MAGICK- BLOOD MAGICK- involves INNER TEMPLE WORK- SUMMONS DEMONIC ENTITIES- REQUIRES TO GO INTO THE WOODS- REQUIRES GOING INTO A GRAVEYARD AT NIGHT- REQUIRES WORKING WITH MARID DJINN- REQUIRES DREAM WORK- REQUIERES SELF OFFERING (I must “”” myself and give of my essence to “””””). There is more but I will not keep listing it … This should be enough to show you how intense this is .
please do not book without at least a single conversation with me about this. This is a serious working and requires a lot from me to be wasted . Talking to me about your situation will let me know if this will be wasted or if it will help… talk to me 1st!
This should ONLY BE BOOKED AFTER CONSULT or for current clients CHAT WITH ME.
This is merely the link for payment🖤
If you have been told to book this please send receipt and info back to me ASAP by Instagram @whispers_of_the_dark_moon_llc_