So, I am doing a very large very in depth Ritual of Possession of a single target. Why some may ask? Because some people deserve their punishment served dark, cold, and from the inside out. I am not playing games here. This is for those that have harmed you. That have hurt you. That have caused your life ruin. Your soul pain. Your heart broken. This is for those who have destroyed you in some shape form or fashion. This is a epic punishment. With real hardcore lessons ...that ultimately change the person which is targeted. No one is ever the same after true possession. Trust and believe ...
But who is Aquiel? Let me give ya a little infoz
Aquiel – the demon of Sunday
Aquiel is a demon over Sundays, & bc he’s a demon against the Christian faith, he does oh so much to destroy it 😏. That doesn’t sound too crazy horrible..eh? But what if we were to take said demon and say possess someone with them 😃💡, mmmhmm ... Let's say that person has no beliefs. Perfect ...easier... Let's say that person is religious.. by any religion but especially christian backgrounds. Well. Welllll. Welll. well... welllll. 😳😁
Aquiel is the demon of all things that work against man keeping Sunday holy. So, he breaks all the rules... Why would a witch choose a demon so strongly against a religions they do not practice? Because 😈 when possesing someone who better to do so than the one who wants to break every rule...
Your welcome (😈)
Now I am not without heart🖤. I give you two options... Choose according to your conscience. Because I have none. The MF'er I'm putting in here is about to learn ... Oh yes ... Mmhmmm .. about to learn...
There will be two ways this goes:
Option A: No mercy, Possession remains until they .. Remove it. This is a dark one ... Trust me. This is a huge punishment.
Option B: 6 weeks 6 days 6 hours and must leave the target ... This is a more conscious clean version. But fair warning. A lot can happen in 6 weeks 6 days and 6 hours 😈
I am offering this because I am working this working on someone personally. As always when I do very large in-depth Rituals and Summonings I do offer you the chance to partake.
**There is no Karma or anything that will come after you for doing this. No need to ask. I work with my demons with offerings and exchange. Nothing comes after you. This stereotype of KaRmA needs to be put under control. There is only balance. And this my children is JUSTICE.
No petition required. Just tell me.. names dob photo and option 1 or 2.
This is pretty much guaranteed to make someone pay for their sh**, however I can't ever say 100% but.. 😈😈😈 possession is serious bitnez.
You are welcome to book this but must contact me via Instagram