This ritual is being cast with "He who shall not be named" and is for anyone who desires to take Their lives back in their hands. No more allowing someone else to take you down to their level ... No more games. No more pain. No more hurt. No more tears. Time to pay the piper. Time to hurt those who hurt you. You are strong. And you can do this. Time to make your value known. Time to insist on respect OR F***KING ELSE! Time to show people they have messed with the wrong F***king one.
You are looking at the 🗝️ key right now...
All you have to do is turn it.
I will do all I can... And I mean all I can to make this right. I don't play.. I am very well known for my thoughts on abuse. And known for what I do to people who harm others. This is why I began doing what I do. I hurt people who hurt people. I don't do it with my hands... But I do it with their own hands .... "A witch is a witch is a witch 😏"
This will never come back to you.
You will never have backlash or karma.
I am your weapon.
Use me wisely.
To book must reach out to me via Instagram @whispers_of_the_dark_moon
In this ritual, you may remain anonymous. But I must have their info. You require no petition. But if you tell me "physical" I will understand that there was physical abuse.. and I will go after them as if I was a starving lion and they were the last live animal in the world. I will track down their mind and will do things to them that the "He who shall not be named" himself would be proud of. Trust me...
Trust me.
Note: I made this ritual. There is no other like it. Anywhere, only here. There are many who try and attempt to copy my rituals even down to the names, the quotes, the colors. But know this.... Nobody other than me, knows how to do my handmade personal "occult" rituals. Nobody. Not even my coven members know my personal "occult" Rituals (occult=hidden). Not even my students. These are my private, personal workings. And there is no one who can replicate them at all. Anywhere. And it's extremely dangerous to attempt to copy Rituals which you do not know anything about.