Friday 13th!!!!!!!!!!
I am doing a very unique working to help extreme situations.
I will be working with...
Lucifer, Mammon, Asmodeus, Balam, Beelzebub, Amaymon, Belphegor, Lilith, Paimon, Bael, Corson, Ziminiar, and Gaap.
Yes 13 Demons and not just any demons!
This is for people with serious issues.
There is no petition necessary.
This is meant to assist you in all ways in your situation. However you do have to pick from 3 choices..
#1 Anything to help you in your issue. No matter what the issue out what is needed to fix it.
#2 No physical harm To None ... (Slightly limits situations where punishment is due.)
#3 No Harm physical or emotional to anyone what so ever. (Always giving you the choice but know this limits things if the situation needs emotional intervention)
You also need to reach out to me via Instagram with name dob photo, and receipt, and tell me what area does your situation sit, meaning love, money, protection and etc...
Please don't forget to reach out∆∆∆∆
The ritual of 13 demons was created by me and only shared with certain persons which are family. There is nobody else which knows how to do my rituals or replicate them. Being I made them myself .,, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED- many seek to replicate and all fail. You can not replicate what u have not been shown to do. Period … the ppl that attempt are false and scammers ..