10 Min text ( This is not a Reading )

10 Min text ( This is not a Reading )

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Only book this if you need to know an answer, a fast answer. Nothing requiring readings or etc . Something I can find for you within 10 min alone. Do not try to fit many things in this because I won’t do that. This is merely a if you need a question answered fast link.


Do I need a reading or consult ? And if so which one ? Etc ..

Once you have booked be sure to include the phone number to contact in your info when purchased.

I will place you on the list and you will be contacted in the place your booking was received. If you want you can go to my Instagram and dm me the emoji - 🟡 - and I will contact you to tell you your place on the list. 
This is by TEXT ONLY..

when ur 10 min is over no matter if middle of etc .. I will excuse my self from the convo politely .. 🙏